Saturday, June 13, 2020

Visiting Some Bookstores!!

         I had a doctor’s appointment on Thursday and arrived a bit early. They had requested that I show up only 5 minutes before my appointment. So, with some extra time on my hands, I stopped at the local Barnes and Noble Bookstore to do a quick run through.

          The door was open and the books inside were calling to me. Before I went in, I read the posted notes hanging beside it. They requested that all customers keep a six foot distance from one another and that all customers wear a mask while in the store. I could handle that!

          Inside it pretty much looked the same as the last time I had been there. There were a few carts scattered around with signs asking the patrons to put the books they weren’t going to buy on them. They would disinfect them before returning them to the shelves. I felt a bit self conscious. Was I able to turn a book over to read the back or to pick it up to check on the price and if I did, was I suppose to put it on the cart? I ended up basically walking around with my hands in my pockets. The two or three books I touched I put right back down since I only flipped them over. I hope I didn’t overstep any of the new book protocol. I walked around and looked at the titles, soaking it all in. Then I left to go to the doctor’s appointment.

          After my doctor visit, I stopped at Half Price Books and took a quick look around that store. They also asked that their customers wear a mask and avoid getting too close to each other. Sterilized baskets were standing by the door for our use. A woman came over and asked me to try to limit only one person in any area at the same time. I asked if they had the newest Stephen King book, “If It Bleeds” and she guided me over to a shelf and handed me one of the books. “We just put these out.” She said. I took it and then walked around a bit, stopping to check out the collectable shelves.

It was such a nice feeling reading the various bindings stacked side by side. They had a lot of leather bound books; you know the type, gold lettering, raised bands on the spine, gold edges on the pages and usually a green or red satin ribbon.  I believe they were all Easton Press collections. Their prices were over my spending level. I like having books in good shape that I can read without any fear of marring the fine craftsmanship or creasing a page. (Heaven forbid!) I like to pull a favorite book off the shelf and re-read it every so often. The books on these shelves are not for that, they are for display. Seeing nothing that excited me, I went up to the cashier, (standing behind a sheet of Plexiglas) and bought my book.

          It was such a good feeling to bring a new book home. I have been reading books that were stacked on my “to read” pile and books downloaded for free on my Kindle but now I had a book I wanted to read, one I have been looking forward to reading! When I got home, I took the cover off of it, (to protect it from damage) and opened up to the first page, (ohh, nice crisp pages, sharp edges and the smell of a NEW book!)…and got lost in another reality. Oh what a great feeling!  Excuse me now, I can’t be writing this, I have a book I that needs read!

          On Saturday, two days later, Ann Marie and I returned for a bit longer visit. We both came out with some new books (to us) to add to our collections. I bought a book by Larry McMurty called “Books, A Memoir” (2009) and a book called “Historical Voyage, A Pictorial Review of the Beaver Valley” put out by the Beaver County Times.(2004) There are a couple pictures of Ann Maries family in it.
          I always enjoy books about local history and of course, books about books…it goes without saying! Now, the question is, do I finish the Stephen King book first and then go on to Larry McMurty, or should I mix em up a bit? Yup, I think I’ll do a little of each of them! Spread the wealth. 

          You can’t imagine how much I have been looking forward to going back to bookstores. After we left, we drove up to a nursery to get some shrubs for AMB’s house. As we were driving through the countryside and the fresh air it felt as if everything in the world was right. Well… felt like it even though we knew better. Getting back into the bookstores is one good thing and I’ll take ANY good thing I can get!

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