Friday, May 7, 2021

Coincidence or What?


                Every so often, the world throws you one of those weird events, pure happenstance but still enough to make you wonder about them.  Chances are they were nothing more than a bit of serendipity but then again, perhaps it could be our minds slipping out from beneath the blanket that covers them.

                More than once, in fact many times, I have been reading books with similar plot lines or subject matter. For example just a week or two ago I had picked up a couple books. One was from a sales cart and the other from a local library. The first dealt with a young man in the 1800’s who went into the Wild West searching for bones of dinosaurs. (Dragon Teeth by Michael Crichton) The second one was the modern day tale of a young FBI agent who requests help from an archeologist to solve a crime. ( The Scorpions Tail by Preston and Child) Needless to say, I got confused a couple times, especially since I was reading them both at the same time! I am constantly getting books with intermingling subject matter.

                This has happened to me countless times.

                How about getting the premonition that a policeman will be sitting alongside the road soon and just as you round the bend, there he is. Maybe it is just a common thought and I just don’t notice it since usually there isn’t any policemen sitting near-by. Whenever I see one, the thought digs itself deeper in my mind…

                Today I had called my friend Frank and had left a message on his phone. Then I started cutting the lawn. My hearing isn’t what it used to be and the mower is noisy but I thought I heard the phone ring. I shut off the mower and pulled out my phone. It was dead, no calls had come. I flipped it closed, (yeah, I know…flip phone. HA) and as I did that, the phone rang. It was Frank returning my call.

                Coincidence or premonition? I’d like to opt towards the premonition, mainly because it sounds cooler! Ann Marie and I have done this a couple times in the past. Two minds thinking the same way!

                Speaking of Ann Marie, looking forward to visiting with her nephews for the first time in ages, she was heading to Beaver Falls today. I was going in to work. I had stopped at City Books and visited for awhile and then was heading to Emsworth to watch trains and read my book before I did the final drive to work. Nearing the McKees Rocks Bridge I wondered how AMB would have gone to Beaver Falls, take the road I was on or the turnpike. The turnpike would probably be quicker I guessed.

                I zipped through the traffic light at the bridge and saw a blue Honda ahead of me. I thought, “That can’t be her, I just thought about her!” Getting closer I could finally see the license plate and damned if it wasn’t her.

                I pulled alongside and tooted the horn. We pulled into a parking lot, got out and laughed about seeing each other. What a coincidence, (?) she was running a little late, I was going towards work and we ran into each other. To make it more interesting, I had just thought of her a mile or two before I saw her.

                It brightened up both of our days. The question is, was it just mere happenstance or was it something deeper?

                Being human and having the desire to discover and further enlighten our lives, I’d like to think it is something more than just pure chance. I want it to be cerebral; I want it to be our minds connecting on a higher plane.

I have always thought that we are all born with certain abilities which as we grow up are lost because of the way we are taught.  During our childhoods we are taught that these “things” aren’t normal, they just don’t happen. The fables which accompany any ethnicity, “They are only stories. They didn’t really happen. You didn’t actually see that, you only imagined it. It is only a chance encounter…” We are told that our dreams mean nothing.

We need to think outside of what we are taught. Maybe we do have abilities that we aren’t aware of. You know, we only use a small portion of our brains capabilities.

Dream on, enjoy the things life gives us and believe in the impossible!

Now, don’t these things always happen in threes…

1 comment: said...

Great story Phil. I believe there are forces out there that affect us but we do not fully understand them. More than once I had these so called coincidences. Hanks Surprise

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