Friday, October 7, 2022

Less Than a Month to Go!

 With the start of October I realize that a very important day is less than a month away. On November 4th we will all be celebrating National Fountain Pen Day! (We do all celebrate it don’t we?) This special day, annually observed on the first Friday of November, was first celebrated in 2012. Its purpose is to promote the use of fountain pens and writing in general.

    I am guessing that most of the population has never picked up a fountain pen let alone used one. We have all seen them in movies, but few people have actually enjoyed the act of writing or drawing with one. It takes us to a different place than where the pencil, the ball point pen or the keyboard takes us.

    The definition of a fountain pen is a writing instrument with a metal nib and a reservoir for holding ink. There are drawings of what appears to be a fountain pen in Leonardo di Vinci’s notebooks, whether he ever made one is unknown. They gained popularity in the mid 1800’s and then that slowly declined as ballpoint pens took over in the 1960’s. They seem to be having a resurgence in popularity with an abundance of on-line stores offering fountain pens, inks and papers.

    Picking up one of my pens, this one manufactured by a company called Monteverde, I enjoy the way it fits nicely into my hand. Simply snap off its lid, it's ready for use. I actually look forward to using this tool!

    It is a slender black pen. Its nib is thin, allowing only a skinny line of ink to reach the paper I’m scribbling across. The ink in it came from a small glass bottle with a label so faded, that I can only guess what company manufactured it. With this ink and pen I can put my thoughts down onto the paper without any problems other than refilling it occasionally.

    I find pleasure in using this tool; I enjoy the way it glides across the paper.  I know how to care for it and maintain it. I understand how its’ ink flows and how long it takes to dry. I know the proper ways to use the pen and how not to abuse it. I know the types of papers which work best with it and which ones to avoid. It is a tool I can use without raising my blood pressure; in fact I often find that I am more relaxed when I’m using it!

    I have other fountain pens which I often switch between. One is filled and sits near-by with green ink in it for when the mood strikes me. A couple others sit stored in a drawer, cleaned and ready for use. They are all enjoyable to use. Good old-fashioned writing, cursive, putting a pen to paper and leaving my thoughts behind.

    There are a couple of these pens in my collection that used to belong to my parents and may be even older than they were. I’d be willing to bet there is at least a couple more, up in the attic.

     I still use regular pens, they are perfect for shopping lists or writing notes. Pencils and markers sit in a coffee cup on my desk along with a couple scissors and a letter opener. Most of them haven’t been used in months if not years. They are there for a specific purpose and writing isn’t it!

    My fountain pens tend to stay in my office/library where I do most of my writing. I value them too much to chance dropping them or losing them in the “outside” world. When I use them, I get a feeling that what I am writing on the page is important. Of course, this is hardly ever the case, but I still enjoy the feeling. I tend to do my first drafts with a fountain pen on paper and later, copy it onto the computer where it gets further editing.

    To purchase a fountain pen you can go on-line or visit a store. There are still a couple places where you can test drive one before you buy, but you would have to look for them. Office stores carry a limited supply of fountain pens, for less than twenty dollars, you can pick one up. As you might expect, the costs of fountain pens can also be astronomical, with some special models exceeding a thousand dollars.

    Many of the fountain pens offered today have prefilled cartridges which can be quickly used to fill the pen. They also offer refillable cartridges for those who like to experiment with all the different types and colors of ink that is available. (Trust me, it can be a rabbit hole, be careful you don’t slip in!)

    There is a little less than a month before National Fountain Pen Day! I urge you to go and try one out, if you haven’t already. They give a certain touch of class, they give a nice look to your handwriting and everyone should strive for that! So, let your imagination run free and let it flow onto your paper. Take some time away from the keyboard or the tablet and pick up a pen, preferably a fountain pen and do some “REAL” writing!

1 comment: said...

I always liked using a fountain pen. Unfortunately, not writing much anymore they dry up on me.

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