Saturday, June 10, 2023

Hidden and Forgotten

 It sits along a curve on a fairly well traveled road. The yard is overgrown; the trees hide it from most of the people passing by. I happened to be looking in the right direction as I passed it, otherwise it would’ve remained unnoticed by me also.

    Three stories high if you count the attic. A window sits open below its peak. Dirty brown window shades and curtains cover the other windows visible as you quickly pass by.  Along the side that’s open, a fence lays broken, no doubt held up by the weeds and bushes. Vines are working their way up the side of the house. It has a definite look of abandonment.

    The house isn’t sitting out in the countryside; there are neighbors near-by. The trees and shrubs have separated it from the rest of the neighborhood. During the month of October, I’m sure there are stories told about ghosts and spirits. Even on sunny days, the house sits in a pool of shadows.

    Walking in on what used to be the driveway, a pair of ruts worn into the dirt, trash can be seen lying around. Whether it is leftovers from the previous occupants or things dragged out by scavengers I couldn’t say. A back door stood ajar, the wood on the porch was rotting, I wasn’t going inside. Boards covered some of the windows, dirt and dust covered everything. Some of the furniture is sitting in what used to be their yard. Off to the side, an old swing set sits rusting away, the laughter and the swings long gone.

    The garden is growing wild; flowers and shrubs mixed with the weeds grow uncut and untamed. Some are higher than the porch roof.

    I looked at the house and couldn't help wondering. Who was it that used to live here? How long did they and their family inhabit the house? Were they the first people to occupy it or just the last? Was it financial problems, health or death that caused its abandonment? How long has it been empty? Did they just leave or did they take their things with them? I can only guess what might be inside. I will never know these things but yet I'll always wonder.

    The house has a feeling of sadness around it, the sunshine no longer warms its rooms. It is forgotten; every year it slips further from peoples thoughts. I can only hope that there is someone, somewhere who still has some fond memories of time spent here. Before long, it may no longer be here and then, there won't be anything to remember it by.

2 comments: said...

Nice story Phil

Bernice said...

I can't help but wonder.....which well traveled road did you spy this abandoned house? Is it in Glenshaw? Or perhaps somewhere in Cheswick? Inquiring minds.....want to know.

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