Sunday, October 18, 2020

A Bit of Warmth (Jan. 2017)

A Bit of Warmth      (Jan. 2017)

Standing on the corner waiting for the light to change, the wind pushed through the thin material of my pants. The sidewalks were icy and covered with snow in front of some stores. When parking my car I had to climb over a mound of snow pushed up against the curb. Even inside my jacket pockets, my fingers were cold. The sky was a clear blue but the temperatures were brutal.

Crossing the street, I entered a bookshop. Inside it was warm and inviting. I brushed the salt off the bottoms of my shoes on the rug inside the door as the owner peeked out from behind a bookshelf and welcomed me.

I browsed, slowly working my way through the new selections, the local authors and poetry and into the back where the used books were shelved. It was just me and the owner, some light music played on the radio, we were both deep into what we were doing.

I would pull a book out a bit, look at it and then either push it back or pull it out for further perusal. I’d put it back in its slot and continue on. My fingertips lightly running across the spines as I worked my way across the shelves.

I asked the owner if he had any books dealing with bookstores, a current interest of mine. He came from behind the counter to lead me over to a couple suggestions.  It is nice to have a bookseller who is knowledgeable about their stock. This knowledge is hard earned and should be appreciated!

I read their covers and put one aside to look at further. I asked him for another suggestion. This was for anything dealing with geography. He took me to another shelf and pulled out a huge volume. I skimmed through it and decided to remember it for another time.

I put it back on the shelf and that was when I noticed it. The book I had been looking for. I hadn’t even known I was looking for this particular title, but when I saw it, I knew! It was sitting on the shelf above the book I returned. It was patiently waiting for me to find it. It knew I would be there eventually. It knew I needed it and that I wanted it!

It is called On Trails- An Exploration, by Robert Moor. It isn’t about specific trails or routes, it isn’t a guidebook, it is about trails in general. All sorts of trails, from the ones insects make, the ones animals create to those man makes and uses.

Sometimes you just know you’re going to enjoy a book, other times it is a bit of a gamble. Will you enjoy it or not? I’m pretty sure I am going to enjoy this book, especially if the first couple chapters are any indication. Yup, it’s going to be a keeper!

I looked around a little longer and then took my two books up to the counter and paid for them. I took my purchases outside into the cold January air and looked around. Across the street was a bakery, it would be my next stop before I returned to my car.

It is important to know where the good bookstores are located in a city. It is also important to know their neighborhoods. The near-by stores and restaurants are often part of the experience!

So, with a couple chocolate chip cookies, some of the better cookies in the city I might add, I took my books and returned to the car and continued with my day. Even though it was bitterly cold, inside I was nice and warm!




I had written this in January of 2017 and as I reread it I thought about how things have changed since then. A lot of bookstores don’t want you to put the books back on the shelves after handling them.  I’m hoping that we will soon be able to page through books without worry about picking up or spreading germs or worry about the number of customers allowed in the store at one time. So much of book buying involves touch! I’m also looking forward to the reopening of the libraries because libraries help me to decide which books to buy! Libraries are important reading tools, they provide education, the books for us to read and learn from, the information we need to be a better society! We need these tools! Let’s hope we get them back soon!

In the mean-while, support your local bookstore! 

And by the way....I did enjoy the book I found!

2 comments: said...

Enjoyed the blog as usual Phil. Cannot wait until we can have Independent Booksellers Day again

phil said...

Thanks Frank, you know I'm looking forward to it!

The Tour Test

 After a few days of extreme cold, both Ann Marie and I were dying to get out of the house. We needed to go outside and breathe some fresh a...